Luxury Fashion brands demand top dollar for the products they provide, and yet do not always live up to the same standards of their reputation. Often seeking out cheaper means of production for larger margins, and no added value for the customer, you. Hucklebury is set to disrupt this industry by redefining premium menswear fashion using strategies they are confident will make a difference to the consumer.


Using a crowdfunding forecasting technique, Hucklebury is able to price high quality luxury dress shirts, that normally retail between $215-$550, at a steal of $78. By removing the guesswork of supply and demand (because customers choose what gets made), they can to deliver their product at realistic prices while at the same time, providing a superior product without the superfluous built in margins.

Quality is key for Hucklebury and ‘Made in the USA’ is an integral part of that quality. They have partnered with a 100-year old factory that makes clothes for the best brands in the United States including Saks Fifth Avenue, Allen Edmonds and John W. Nordstrom. Each shirt is made from the finest 100% Egyptian cotton, San Francisco sourced labels and organic mother of pearl buttons.


As only American Made goods can usually offer, their shirts come backed with a 365-day guarantee like none other and free shipping both ways. According to Hucklebury’s founder Parag Jhaveri, “Applying concepts from Zara’s case study, we’re building a vertically-integrated model, where we cut out the middlemen, operate online, design our own products, and provide a customer-centric solution that is poised to change the face of the menswear.”

Give them a look, and make your way over to Kickstarter to support Hucklebury!

Learn more about their company, here.