Vapur is a water ‘anti-bottle’ company located in Westlake Village, California. They are on a mission to educate the consumer and support the movement away from bottled water. They have statistics on their website, and they donate/fundraise for Drop of Hope & the Anti-Bottle Project, all in the name of good, clean, water. Their product is unique in that it is flexible, reusable, eco-friendly and made in the USA. These ‘anti-bottles’ are also freezable, dishwasher-safe and BPA-free. They offer three different anti-bottles: Reflex, Runaway & Element. Today we’re reviewing the .7L/ 23 oz Element. What an awesome product. It really provides a stylish and easy-to-use container for your favorite thirst quencher. The .7L Element retails for $11.99. This is truly a steal for such a functional, USA-made product. When it’s full, the container stands on its own, no awkward tipping or any sign of being unstable. When it’s empty, it can be rolled…Continue Reading