Hardel & Co., makes quality made leather wallets and has future plans to expand into other men’s and women’s goods.

I am picky about my wallet. It can’t be too big, but there are certain features that must be there to make it a wallet I can live with for an extended period of time. It must fit the bare minimum of credit cards, drivers license, cash and a few random tidbits and business cards that accumulate short-term along the way. It sounds simple, yet so many wallets fail at these simple tasks. Pockets are too small, too large or lacking all together. Cash holders, that don’t hold the cash. You get the idea.

I’m always hesitant to try a new wallet, since the one that’s in my pocket has obviously made the cut and satisfies my needs. But alas, enter hardel & co.’s new 2.0 Cash & Card wallet. After not one, but two, successful Kickstarter Campaigns, hardel & co. is off manufacturing another round of quality goods. Based in Southern California, they use domestic materials and domestic labor to produce their line up.


The 2.0 comes in various combinations of black and tan leather with colored and tonal thread options. I’m rocking the all black, since it goes with my socks. I don’t actually wear black socks, but if I did, they would match. I’m more of a warm-wool-heathered sock kind-of-guy, since moving away from the beaches of California to the great north state of Wisconsin. Where was I?

The first test, of course, is to load the content of the incumbent wallet into the new candidate’s pockets. First test, success. The 2.0 holds, comfortably, the goods I need to have with me at all times. The pockets are snug, but not so much that I need to wrestle my own ID from the grasp of it’s tightness. The cash strap is surprisingly functional. I’m coming from a magnet clasp wallet, and I see no worries with this new system. I like it because there isn’t a hard magnet scratching the other contents that it will no doubt be rooming with in my pockets.


The size fits nicely into all of my pant pockets. I’m a front pocket kind of guy. Must be from growing up on the rough streets of Southern California where pick-pocketers run amuck. I’ve never been pick-pocketed, so it’s more likely that I don’t enjoy sitting on a mound of leather, plastic and paper. It fits with the other contents of my pocket, usually keys or a phone, without any unwanted bulge.

The quality of the wallet is tops. It passes the only test that really matters (besides being Made in USA, which it also does), it smells like leather. The wallet is firm with a soft tactile feel. The threads are tight and uniform without strays. The stamped logo is a real beaut, and the reminder that it’s “Handcrafted in USA” is branded into the wallet, incase it slips your mind.

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At a retail price of $98, the 2.0 sits well amongst it’s competition. Priced fairly among other domestic and foreign made wallets.

The verdict? The hardel & co. 2.0 has made a new home in my pocket, I’ll be rocking it until there is a 3.0, or a 2.1? Whatever is next from hardel & co., I’m confident we should all be excited to see.

